Glock Training Gun - Over the years, police, special forces, SWAT and military forces around the world have proven that static shooting training combined with simulated shooting training provides the greatest benefits. The GLOCK Training Pistol is designed to encourage reality-based tactical operations training with color-coded or plastic projectiles.
Due to Atlantic Tactics' distribution agreement with GLOCK, Law Enforcement Blue Badge pistols are only available for sale to individuals in the following states: PA, NY, NJ, MA, MD, DC, VA
Glock Training Gun
Remember that a weapon has the potential to cause serious injury or death at a moment's notice. Make safe disposal of tools a routine. After making sure the gun is unloaded, treat it as if it were loaded.
Does The Glock G44 Hit The Mark As A Glock 19 Training Pistol?
When choosing a safe direction, you should also consider whether the bullet can see through any object it hits, and whether the bullet will penetrate walls, ceilings, floors and windows.
3) Aim the gun at a safe target and keep your finger off the gun's trigger until you make the decision to fire.
By keeping your finger completely off the trigger until you are on target, you will ensure that any shot you fire travels safely to the intended target.
Remember that bullets can travel several miles, so you need to be sure what the bullet will hit before you launch it. Never fire on movement, noise, flashing colors or noise without actively identifying your target.
Image Of An Aluminum Glock Training Pistol Used For Apd Training, 1980s]
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